Think about it this... there are 168 hours in a week. Lets take out 40 hours for work, now were down to 128 hours. now lets say you spend 2 hours per night cooking and cleaning up from dinner. We're now down to 114 hours. Next we'll say you take 1 hour per night reading and we're down to 107 hours left. 7 hours a night of sleep takes us to 58 hours. Okay so now you have a family and you spend 5 hours a day doing things like commuting, errands, quality time with family a friends, etc... and we're left with 23 hours. 23 hours of free time. A quality workout only takes 45 minutes to an hour, just 4-5 days per week. So of those 23 hours we have left, you need 5 max! Which still leaves you 16 hours per week (over 2 hours a day) to sit on your ass and do absolutely nothing!
I just re-read that paragraph and found it hard to follow myself... so here's a linear method of reading it. Should be easier to follow.
168 (Total Hours in a week)
-49 (Sleeping)
-40 (Work Hours)
-2 (Cooking/eating/cleaning Dinner)
-7 (Reading)
-35 (Misc.)
23 (Hours per week you have left over to use for doing whatever you want)
Everyone's Time Budget will look different and some people will have more free time left over than others. But I can guarantee you, you'll be able to find free time for working out.
Working out is extremely important to your overall health and quality of life. Making time for it will impact so many areas of your life in a positive manner.
This is just advice though. You can do whatever you want! Share your comments below!