Showing posts with label jogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Free Your Mind and Release Your Stress

!!!!!!Send me an email if you want a personalized lifting routine!!!!!!!

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A lot of people have been telling me that they run not to improve their physical health but to improve their mental health. Others say they love hitting the gym because it's the only place they get alone time to recharge their batteries. Today at the gym though, I saw so many people standing around gossiping about stupid shit or bitching about legit shit going on in their lives. SO I felt compelled to write this shit...

Your body will only do what your mind allows it to do. If on your blissful run you think negative thoughts and refuse to let go and clear your head, you will not find your run therapeutic. In fact, you might even be more stressed because while your mind was racing thinking about whatever stressful situations you're going through, your body was "wasting time" running or lifting. The only way to pacify your mind at that point would be to take action against to solve your problems. If you're running or lifting, you're not taking that action, you're just wasting time as far as your mind is concerned. So here's the trick to turning your workout into therapy... let everything go! Think about your feet hitting the pavement, the air going into your lungs, your muscle fibers contracting, your fat burning away... think about the present and let your mind feel like it is actually accomplishing something right then and there. Then and only then will you truly be able to carry that peace and mental clarity into the other aspects of your life. YOU'LL SEE BIGGER PHYSICAL GAINS THIS WAY TOO! 

Another good tip which has nothing to do with working out is to just scream. Like a three year who just got told they couldn't have anymore candy. Do it in a pillow if you're shy or just out loud if you have the house to yourself. Open your mouth as wide as you can and discharge your rage loudly and violently. I personally try to do this monthly just to balance myself out. It's definitely different, but try it out before you think I'm crazy!

You don't have to choose a grueling activity to do this either. I did PiYo (a mixture of Pilates and Yoga) a couple days ago and found that, without really breaking a sweat, I was completely relaxed and re-centered. For a full hour, I focused on nothing but my muscles stretching, my spine extending, and breathing deeply. It was amazing and I definitely recommend it. 

If you're stressed out about a big test, being unemployed, an investment tanking, your kids misbehaving, your significant other cheating on you, your car breaking down when you need it most, or any other shit life is throwing your way, go workout and bring your mind with you. It will try to wander, but don't let it! Tell your brain to tell your mind to calm the f*ck down and focus on the present.   

As always though, this is all just advice. Take it or leave it my friends!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Women's Health: Keys to a Sexy Booty, Thighs, and Hips - Part II

To achieve that perfect booty you're going to have to work your ass off. Get it? I always like to start with a joke...

Here is a list of exercises that you should do to get yourself into a Sir Mix A Lot music video:

Box Squats
Single Leg Squats
Box Jumps
Dumbbell Lunges
Hamstring Curls on a Swiss Ball
Hamstring Curls on a Machine
Box Step-ups
Lateral Box Step-ups
Single Leg Lunges with Back Foot on Bench
Sitting in the Sauna
Yoga (especially hot Yoga)
BAR Fitness

For a detailed workout regimen including proper order, sets, and repetitions of each of exercise and instructions on how to do them, send me an email at $5 charge for a 1 week, kick ass workout with guaranteed results or your money back. Subsequent weeks will be an additional $5... well worth the investment and much cheaper than hiring a personal trainer!

Here are some basic principles

  1. The lower you go when doing leg exercises, the more you target your butt.
  2. Cardio, such as jogging, will burn some fat, but not as effectively as lifting weights. It will also only speed your metabolism up for the day that you jog. Which means if you take a day off your metabolism slows right back down. Weight lifting speeds your metabolism up for days at a time as your body works to repair the tiny abrasions in your muscles that result from a lifting session.
  3. Weight lifting burns through your glycogen (carbohydrate) stores and begins burning through your glycerol (fat) stores much faster than moderate cardio such as jogging.
  4. Sprints are the way to go to ensure you get your cardio workout in while simultaneously burning fat in an efficient manner.
  5. Everyone's body naturally stores fat in certain areas. For women, the most common trouble areas are the butt, hips, thighs, and lower stomach. If you burn through the fat in these areas while neglecting all the other parts of your body, your body will pull the fat from the neglected areas and push them right into your trouble areas. This is why it is imperative to lift every muscle group and to do some form of cardio. 
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